The Ignite arranged a B2B Matchmaking and Networking event for their NICs around the country. Three startups from each NIC were selected to participate in the event which was held on Dec 10-13 2022 at Sarena Hotel, Islamabad. From the National Incubation Center Lahore (NICL) Think Connects along with two other worthy startups were selected by Ignite to participate in the event.
At the event, startups were arranged around tables with their respective technology category. A pool of investors and business owners joined each startup and had the opportunity to interact and learn about the businesses. The interaction resulted in finding common ground and gave everyone a wonderful opportunity to learn about each other’s businesses and potential for growth and working together.
Azeem Iqbal (Founder & Director) Think Connects had interaction with leading investors, business owners, and representatives from Ignite. Some key contacts in the industrial sector were also shared by some professionals which would be of great help in finding global growth opportunities for the startup.
Such events provide a foundation for a startup that can grow into a full-scale business. Networking and interaction with people from other backgrounds help diversify ideas and improve the vision. Think Connects expresses deep gratitude to the NIC Lahore team for always providing us with such valuable opportunities.
After the event, another great opportunity was provided at the APICTA event where we had the opportunity to interact with several startups and businesses from Hong Kong who were all working in the areas of IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and Embedded Systems development. We talked to several companies and explored new ideas and avenues of collaboration to find global growth opportunities.
Following is a gallery for the event for your interest.